
FAQ Questions

Pre-orders & Promotions

Enjoy our pre-orders and promotions without a doubt.

Products and Orders

How can we help you with your order?

Payment and Finance

Payment options to fit every pocket

Delivery and Installation

Check the delivery status of your orders, track individual shipments and more.

Returns and Cancellations

How to return an item(s), cancel an order and other common questions.

Service and Warranty

Find out everything you need to know about your service and warranty

Contact Us

Puerto Rico: 1-800-682-3180
Dominican Republic: 1-800-751-2676
Jamaica: 1-800-726-7864
Trinidad & Tobago: 1-800-726-7864

Mon. - Fri. from 8:30 to 20:30 |Sat. from 8 to 12

Chat with our Customer Service Team by starting a conversation in the chat bubble located in the lower corner of the screen.
Mon. - Fri. from 8:30 to 20:30 | Sat. from 8 to 12

You can send us an email and we will respond to you.
Mon. - Fri. from 8:30 to 20:30 | Sat. from 8 to 12